ROAD TRIP! Join us for a special off-site lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Westerville Thursday, Oct. 28.

We will gather at the Westerville Community Center, 350 N. Cleveland Ave., for a tour of the newly expanded potions of the facility and relocated Westerville Senior Center.

Our host will be Mike Phillips, Recreation & Operations Superintendent for the Westerville Parks and Recreation Department. Read more about the center’s recent expansion at

Following the tour, we will enjoy lunch before a mini “Balance Boost Class” led by a Community Center fitness instructor.

It is important to get an accurate headcount of attendance for this unique meeting, so RSVPs will be requested. Please RSVP using the button below or through the buttons in the Rotogram.

Lunch will be $12 as usual, but will consist of a boxed lunch from Panera.,

Meet just inside the front doors at the Community Center at 11:45 a.m.

Be sure to join us for this outstanding Rotary Club of Westerville program at noon Thursday, Oct. 28, at the Westerville Community Center, 350 N. Cleveland Ave.


The Rotary Club of Westerville

Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at

Interested in joining?

The Rotary Club of Westerville is accepting applications for new membership.

The best way to pursue membership is to contact an existing Club member, and attend one of our lunches or events as her or his guest. Members of the public also are welcome to attend our events on their own, to see what our service club is all about. If possible, please give notice of your intent to attend a luncheon or social by emailing [email protected].

We hope to see you soon!