Get your 4th moving with the Rotary 5K to start the holiday!

Get your 4th moving with the Rotary 5K to start the holiday!

Get your July 4th holiday moving with the Rotary Club of Westerville’s Independence Day 5K at 8 a.m. Monday, July 4. The race and all our Independence Day events for 2022 will take place on the actual date of the holiday – Monday, July 4. REGISTER using the bright...
Kindergartener Oscar Opermann chooses 2022 parade theme

Kindergartener Oscar Opermann chooses 2022 parade theme

“Star Spangled and Strong” will be the theme of the 2022 Rotary Club of Westerville Independence Day Parade. Oscar Oppermann, a student in Mrs. Lindsey Gamertsfelder’s kindergarten class at Annehurst Elementary School, submitted the winning entry in this year’s Rotary...
BOOM: July 4th kickoff set for June 2 luncheon

BOOM: July 4th kickoff set for June 2 luncheon

BOOM! It’s time for our biggest public event of the year, Rotarians – staging Westerville’s Independence Day celebration. Please join us for lunch and our July 4th kickoff program at noon June 2 at the Villa Milano. July Fourth Chairman Dave Krebs and...
Resident Diana Kalassay splits pot in Rotary 50/50 Raffle

Resident Diana Kalassay splits pot in Rotary 50/50 Raffle

Westerville resident Diana Kalassay purchased the lucky ticket in the Rotary Club of Westerville’s raffle held during the Rotary Independence Day Concert July 3 at the Westerville Sports Complex, 325 N. Cleveland Ave. Tickets sold at the Concert raised $954, and Diana...
Registration closed for 2021 Rotary Independence Day 5K

Registration closed for 2021 Rotary Independence Day 5K

Registration for the Rotary Club of Westerville’s 2021 Independence Day 5K Walk/Run has closed. Registration for this year’s 5K was online only. No same-day or on-site registration was offered due to COVID precautions. The final day for packet pickup for...