A Message from The 2023-2024 Madison Rotary Club President
Susan S. Wagner
Madison Rotary 2023/2024 Club President, Susan Wagner
It has truly been a privilege to be a part of the Rotary Club of Madison, and I am continually amazed by the depth and breadth of Rotary International and all of its members. As such, I am honored to undertake the responsibilities of being the President of the Rotary Club of Madison for the 2023-2024 year.
This year’s Rotary theme is “Create Hope in the World.” At a time when the world is faced with a wide range of challenges, I consider creating hope a worthy endeavor. Madison may be a small town, but I know that we have made a difference to many on both a local and an international level.
Locally, we have helped to benefit those in need by sponsoring the Warm the Children project, where parents in need are able to purchase clothing for their children. And there are many such families in our area.
We have also donated over $100,000 to the Madison Food Pantry. We have availed $10,000 in scholarships to Daniel Hand High School Students just this year, and we have sponsored local organizations such as Madison Lyric Stage, Shoreline Arts Alliance, and Madison Cultural Arts, to name a few.
Internationally, we have sponsored the drilling of a well in Uganda that will provide water for a village of 900 people, helped to feed those in need in Haiti, and, as always, worked with the foundation to totally eliminate the threat of Polio in the world.
These are just a few of our projects; there are many more that we will work on during the course of the year. My hope is that we can inspire more individuals to join us in all of our pursuits. Every member brings to the table a unique set of talents and skills that strengthen the club and further our endeavors to create lasting change. Yes, I would like to “Create Hope in the World,” and I will strive towards that end in my tenure as president. Looking forward to the year ahead!
Yours in Rotary,
Susan S. Wagner
President, Madison Rotary Club, 2023-2024
Meetings: Thursday 8:00 am at the Madison Senior Center, Bradley Road, Madison, CT
For more information on our club, please contact:
Susan Wagner, President at susanwagnerrotary@gmail.com
Robin Miller, Membership at robin@nehrc.com
What WE Do
Service Above Self
Rotary International is the world’s oldest service club. Its members form a global network of business and professional leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world.
Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self,” exemplifies the spirit of the organization. There are more than 1.4 million Rotarians in more than 32,000 clubs located in over 170 countries around the world.
Founded in 1928, the Rotary Club of Madison meets every Thursday and enjoys speakers, fellowship, and professional networking. Our meeting time is 8 am on Thursdays at the Madison Senior Center, 29 Bradley Road, Madison, Connecticut.
We hold special fellowship events every “Fifth Thursday,” when we meet for evening social activities at different establishments in the community. Please check our calendar for details as all community members are welcome to join us.
Rotary members – in Madison, Connecticut, and around the world – volunteer their skills, expertise, and resources to solve issues and address community needs.
We are Rotary
We are
People of Action
Rotary International’s Seven Areas of Focus
Peace Building & Conflict Prevention
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Community Economic Development
Protecting the Environment
Our Mission
The Rotary Club of Madison – We are People of Action supporting people and communities in need across Madison Connecticut, the vast shoreline of Southern Connecticut, throughout New England, and in support of global issues and concerns around the world!
Where We Meet
Time: 8:00 am Thursdays*
Madison Senior Center
28 Bradley Rd., Madison CT 06443
* – PUBLIC SOCIAL EVENT HELD ON ANY MONTH HOLDING A FIFTH THURSDAY; Location to be Noted prior to each event.
Thank you for visiting! Please browse to learn about all the wonderful projects and activities we support, and all the service work we do to better our community. All community members are welcome to join us at our meetings to learn more about our work in the community, the region and around the world. We are People of Action.
Contact Us
Rotary Club of Madison
P.O. Box 335
Madison, CT 06443
Where We Meet
Madison Senior Center
29 Bradley Road
Madison, CT 06443
Thursdays at 8:00 am*
Jeff Cairns
Madison Rotary Club
President 2024-2025