The Rotary Club of Westerville is proud to present its 9th Annual Westerville Rotary Honors Veterans 5K Walk/Run, a family oriented event for adults and children of all ages. The 5K will take place from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 2 at Westerville’s Alum Creek Park North, 221 W. Main St.

We  appreciate everyone who has participated and made this a successful event.  Because of your continued support, we have proudly donated over $30,000 to veteran’s organizations over the eight-year history of our 5K!

Chase Bank returns this year as our partner and Presenting Sponsor, greatly furthering this cause and the level of support we’re able to offer to local veterans groups. Money raised by the club through the event goes to our Rotary Foundation, which supports our college scholarships program for local high school grads.

Please come out with your friends to this event to support local veterans groups and the Rotary Club of Westerville!

To register, follow THIS LINK

For additional info on the event, please visit our club site dedicated to the race at THIS LINK or read more on this site.